Inside Rock

Bat Out of Hell (# 034)

JabberGuys Season 3 Episode 4

Bat Out of Hell (S3-E4)

The JabberGuys discuss the making of Bat Out of Hell and the background of the iconic lead singer, Meat Loaf.  One of the best-selling albums of all time, Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman create a music legacy with the help of Todd Rundgren.

Listen to the episode playlist on SPOTIFY

Marvin Lee Aday - “Meat Loaf”

Growing up in Dallas, Texas with an alcoholic father and being bullied at school

What’s this about him getting boned in the head with a shotput, and then being able to sing?

Meat leaves for Los Angeles

Gets involved in theatre and singing

Joins the cast of HAIR, and does Rocky Horror movie (1975)

Meets Jim Steinman while in New York and they decide to work on “Bat Out of Hell”

Todd Rundgren joins them after the duo have little success promoting the album

Bat Out of Hell” becomes one of the best-selling albums of all time, reaching 14x Platinum in the USA (Released 1977) 

Paradise by the Dashboard Light” becomes one of their biggest hits.

Karla DeVito joins the concert tour after Ellen Foley (original voice for the song) declines

Bat Out of Hell 2: Back into Hell (1993)


1)    Behind the Music

2)    Meat Load Legacy

3)    Dan Rather Interview

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